Sunday, November 28, 2010


If you know anything about me you know I love pickles! This lady from the church I grew up in made the best homemade pickles. Every time I came home from college she would give me a couple of jars of her pickles, just for me:). Well I was looking through the church's cookbook (I have decided if you need a really good recipe look in a church cookbook those recipes always turn out well) and I found the recipe for her pickles.

From my garden this past year I had a lot of cucumbers! I tried out the recipe I found and they turned out great. I was also given a lot of okra from a church member this summer; since I couldn't eat it all in one sitting and my freezer was already pretty full I decided to pickle it. I used the same recipe that I used for the pickles and they turned out great as well.

This recipe is pretty easy if you can find dill; but they are oh so good.

Dill Pickles

Enough medium cucumbers to fill 2 (1 qt) jars (or enough okra to fill jars)
Fresh Dill
1 clove of garlic
4 cups of water
1 cup of vinegar
2 Tablespoons of canning salt
Boiling water to fill jars

Was cucumbers and pack into jars; add garlic and a sprig of dill. Cover with boiling water; let stand 10 minutes. Mix the last 3 ingredients; bring to a boil to make a brine. Pour off the water from the jars and pour the brine over the cucumbers. Seal in a hot water bath.

These are my favorite yummy!

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